Daily Archives: October 21, 2011

Day 21 of 31 day’s of Halloween!

click on photo to enlarge

click on photo to enlarge

Stitchy is scared, the ghost popped up from behind the couch and scared them! Poor stitchies!

Welcome ghouls, witches, and everyone in-between to day 21 of The 31 day’s of Halloween blog hop by Smeared and Smudged!

Stitchy doll 4 and 1 from Smeared Ink.

Couch is a free graphic from “The Graphic Fairy”

Papers from K & Company new Halloween 12×12 pack. Kitty is a “Sticko” 3D sticker. Bat punch from Stampin’ Up!

(I would like to share a little something w/ you all today. A preview perhaps, on day 31 I am going to ask a question, that pertains to the 31 day’s of Halloween and my art. All correct answers will be put into Mr Random, and I will give some blog candy. Click Here to see what the blog candy is.)

Thank you for your visit today and your lovely comments.

Next on the blog hop list is Freddie, if you like great Halloween projects check out the blog roll you will be amazed at the work you’ll find!

The full blog roll can be found on my sidebar and if you scroll down! Enjoy your day!!

I shall enter the following challenges:

Paper Creations Ink: Challenge “Halloween”

