It’s all about the candy! (cdacpc4)

It's all about the candy!

It's all about the candy!

I made this card for a challenge at Crafter Digital Art Center (cdacpc4)

Digi image is from Sew Many Cards Digital Stamps

Thanks for peeking in, and thank you for your comments!



About KristyLee

Hi, my name is KristyLee, I live on the Space Coast in Florida. I have a severe passion for all things crafty! I am a distributor for "Young Living Essential Oils " I love using and informing others to the benefits of Essential Oils. I served in the US Navy, as an Aviation Ordnanceman. I have a degree in Medical coding and billing. My personality can be summed up as: funny, quirky, opinionated, creative, loving, stubborn, and loyal. Thank you for your visit into my world, and looking at art and fashion through my eyes. May God Bless you and yours! Stay Healthy and Crafty my Friends! And as always Enjoy the Journey!

2 responses »

  1. So very cute! I love the glittery hat! A perfect touch to your image! Thank you for joining us for our 4th round at the CDAC Progressive Challenge!

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